the average american...
from stats i remember..but may be inaccurate
is 35 years old
makes 35,000 a year
cant afford the (so called) average priced home of $170,000
eats a lot of pizza cheese steak hamburger potatoes
is conscious of fat content in foods
spends 2 hours a day cleaning house (women)
prefers beer to wine or vodka
does not wear a suit to work
watches sitcoms tho women watch daytime shows more
likes to travel. travels 27,000 miles a year
reads less than 5 books a year
has tvs, cell phones, cds.
changes jobs every 2-3 years
watches tv more than any other leisure pursuit
exercises some, usually walking. some sports or clubs.
is overweight
does not smoke
is married
if married has two kids & has sex twice a week
averages an hour a day visiting with people
doesnt drink much. single people drink more
has a credit card debt
sleeps 6-8 hours a day
has a computer. used mostly for email.
doesnt stay home during vacation
has at least a high school education
has a pet
doesnt cheat on their mate
gardening is done by more people than most other hobbies
dont know how much they have in savings..but ill bet it isnt much