let's get back to just arresting them when they commit a crime.
since two times as many sober people as people driving while drunk..
hurt others in accidents..maybe we should arrest the sober people
and let the drunks alone.
and like the present laws we should arrest them for being sober
instead of having an accident..thereaby preventing an accident.
im kidding but i think the MADD laws on dui's are punishing the
70% who drink and drive without harm..because of the 30% that
do the harm. its like that old rule that says 20% of the salemen
make 80% of the sales.
30% of those arrested for dwi are repeat offenders.
of those 1 in 9 were arrested for an accident while drunk.
so 3% of all dwi repeat offenders cause harm.
so we cant even just blame the repeat offenders.
MADD laws may work no better than prohibition did.. and
seems somewhat similiar.
even without the statistics it just doesnt sound right.
what really gets me is that people are being arrested that
havent committed a real crime (an actual accident). the
same thing occurs when drug users are arrested for having
drugs on them instead of doing harm while using it. and
prostitutes are arrested for being a prostitute though
they have not given anybody a disease or hurt anyone in
any way.
heck. since poor people commit a lot of the crimes because
they are poor let's arrest everybody below the poverty level.
let's test people and arrest those with bad scores. if 30%
of any group seems to be the ones commiting most crimes then
let's arrest the whole group. next thing you know we will have
a group called Mothers Against Black People. jeez. mothers
can do no harm so they are always right? no wonder its part
of a cussword.
you get the idea. some of you smart people take it from there
and run with it. i'm no activist. i'm a blooger. and i am a
bit fascetious.