opinions epigrams beliefs jokes writings and maybe lists about me no telling what. im new here. this is a test..to start
more than vanity or introspection maybe
Published on December 7, 2004 By coolcroc In Misc

ive got 800 self-evaluation or descriptive lists different ways about myself.
i may put em up on a homepage again. too many to blog. but see..you could
use em to make lists about yourself using them as an example. wotthehell.
hey. until i do..write me and ill overload you with a few. then you can
cuss me for being vain and hire a hit man. hell. im old. i dont care.


it all started when i was on a job where i had nothing to do
all day and nobody to talk to. so i started listing the 10
top things of every category i could think of. foods movies
faults virtues glories etc. it grew from that.

plus i wanted to be a writer and know how they describe people
that furthered the self-description attempts.

plus i was a psychology major and they need to describe the most
essential factors about a person..and determine those things
quickly and easily. as in psychological testing which i am still
fascinated with.

1. im obsessed with simplifying things
2. and like to write
3. and its fun trying to describe people in a multitude of ways
4. so many times when meeting a person online you need to tell about yourself

and i just practised on myself.
if i knew as much about another person as i do me i would make
lists on them too .. and have done so but i have to leave a lot
of stuff out that i dont know. furthermore i like to read the
same kind of lists about other people. not just me.

hey. some psychology student could use me for a case history.
it would take less time than giving some stranger a battery of
personality tests.

any woman that reads all my stuff will know me. if it turns her
off she is not for me. if she understands and likes it then we
have a chance.


maybe all writers are writing out of a desire for self-glorification.
doing these lists accomplish that more efficiently. i also write
to clarify my thoughts and be more thorough in my thinking. it is easier
to see that you have all the elements , you can see them
all at one time so you have a better perspective, you can eliminate,
combine, synthesize, & create a new whole without having to revise a
whole book. it's really writing reduced to it's essence because it is
a key word for each important thing you want to say. i remember better
when i write it down & i also don't want to reinvent the wheel each time
i decide to review my thoughts about a subject.
it doesn't seem any less useless to me than gardening or golf.
brevity is most important cause people don't like to read & it makes
it easier & quicker. and it is just "thinking"..on paper so to speak.
so im not a list maker or a writer really. im a thinker.

self glorification, what any writer is really doing
as a sort of impersonal immortality
i like to sit at the computer & i like to write
i'm no longer interested in writing fiction unless its just for fun
maybe i can use this as a resume' with some girl i meet
maybe somebody would use it as a model to explore their selves
maybe it'll still be around when i'm gone

and heck.. one literary article said it might be a new art form.
(yeh. if youre already famous in art or writing maybe

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