opinions epigrams beliefs jokes writings and maybe lists about me no telling what. im new here. this is a test..to start
some say so
Published on December 12, 2004 By coolcroc In Misc

am i that bad?

i dont do drugs.
i dont drink and drive.
i dont use frames for pictures on my wall.
i dont go to church.
i dont want a fat girl or an ugly one.
i dont think all babies are beautiful.
i dont like pets.
i dont brush my teeth every day.
i dont get a tune up twice a year.
i dont have medical checkups once a year.
i dont take flu shots.
i dont think all people without a degree are dumb.
i dont like rock music..and even jazz after the 1960s.
i dont think the laws on dwi, drugs, and prostitution are right.
i dont like convention and fashion
i hate stop signs and seat belts.
i dont waste time on caps and punctuation.
i dont write paragraphs. i make lists instead.
i dont like MADD
i dont like the legal system or the voting system
i dont criticize presidents.
i dont rent movies or use the library
i dont buy music cds or movie vcrs

i am not an activist.
i own a mobile home instead of a house cause its cheaper.
i buy used cars and save on interest and depreciation.
i sympathize with prostitutes..and like porn.
i wear jeans and avoid ties like a plague.
i left my xmas tree up all year.
i think travel for enertainment is inefficient.
i prefer cheap to quality.
i am a homebody.
i leave voting to those that know what theyre doing.
i see nothing immoral about the playboy mansion

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